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18th PORTFOLIO: # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: For the Italian State, you are of age after the age of 18, not on the same day. Those who have reached the age of majority are said to be of age. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: «Compleanno» comes from the Spanish «cumpleaños» combination of «cumplir» i.e. fulfill and «año» i.e. year. It is the anniversary day of birth. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The custom of celebrating one's date of birth originates from ancient pagan customs. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The pagan populations on the occasion of the «genetliaco» wished the birthday boy or the birthday girl the best in order to protect him or her from the forces of evil and to wish him or her health and safety for the whole new year of life. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The first to celebrate the birthday were the ancient Egyptians, who used to pay homage to the pharaoh preparing for him a large banquet full of all sorts of delicacies. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In Egypt and Mesopotamia it was considered important to record the day of one's birth as it was fundamental to realise the horoscope. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In ancient Greece, in the Roman Empire and in Persia, the birthday was celebrated exclusively on the anniversary of the birth of kings, deities and noble people. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In the Roman calendar the «dies natalis» was also celebrated for particular important events, such as the foundation of the City or the day of birth of the gods. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Early Christians did not celebrate birthdays, because they considered it a pagan practice, part of an idolatrous worship. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: But the Christian martyrs celebrated which dies natalis the day of their martyrdom, that is, the day of their birth to eternal life. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The ancient Greek theologian and philosopher Origen of Alexandria, in his commentary «In Levit», wrote that Christians should refrain from celebrating the birthday party. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In the Middle Ages, only one's name day was celebrated among the people of the Christians. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In medieval times, among the noble Christians it was customary to celebrate the birthday, in addition to the name day. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Because of the pagan origins, the custom of the birthday party was also rejected by Jews after Christianity. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In the Mosaic law, the Bar Mitzvah for boys and the Bat Mitzwah for girls marks the entry of young people into the Jewish Synagogue. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The Mosaic law reserved for Israelites over twenty years of age the obligation to participate in the battles of the people of Israel. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In the Pentateuch, twenty years was the age that marked the entry of the individual into the full enjoyment of the rights and duties of each Israelite. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In the Mosaic law, one became of age both with respect to the natural order with the other sons of Abraham, and with respect to the divine order and its system of rights and duties administered by the High Minister. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The biblical age limit can be assimilated to the civic and religious rights and obligations of modern nations. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In contemporary Judaism, rabbis are divided about celebrating the custom of the classic birthday, although it was accepted by the majority of the faithful. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In Islam, birthday does not reflect tradition, and because of this the majority of Muslims refrain from celebrating it. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: For some Muslims, celebrating birthdays is not a problem, as long as it is not accompanied by behaviour contrary to the tradition of Islam. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Most Muslims and Arab Christians who emigrated to the United States and Europe celebrate their birthdays as usual, especially for children, while some abstain. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: There is also much controversy regarding the lawfulness of celebrating the Mawlid, the anniversary of the birth of Muhammad. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Some Muslims consider the custom of celebrating Mawlid as unacceptable according to Islamic tradition. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In Buddhism, many monasteries celebrate Vesak, the anniversary of Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and death, usually with a highly formal rite. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: On the occasion of the feast of Vesak, the statue of Buddha is washed and fed, because it is considered alive by the faithful. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In China, only in recent times, with the opening towards the Western world, birthday is considered by the Chinese part of their traditional culture. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: A part of the Chinese population is not entirely sure of their date of birth because it is based on the lunar calendar, still in use among the population. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The Chinese lunar calendar changes continuously year after year, so for this reason, it is necessary to convert the birthday from the lunar calendar to the Gregorian one. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The concept of birthday, in China, is also based on a play on words that relies on the homophony that exists between «rice wine» and «length» (understood in terms of time). # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Because of the Chinese calembour, during the celebration of the birthday, the birthday boy or the birthday girl is given a bottle of wine flavoured with osmanthus flowers, or alternatively a bottle of Sake. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The Western style of birthday cakes is increasingly common among Chinese. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The Yi Mein or Changshoumian, which in Chinese translates as «long-life pasta», similar to the elongated shape of spaghetti, is among the traditional foods consumed during the birthday celebrations in China. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: According to Chinese tradition, the length of every single spaghetti of Yi Mein or Changshoumian (over two meters) served during a birthday party, wishes the birthday boy or the birthday girl a long life. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Birthday as we know it today, was born in relatively modern times, it is said when Johann Wolfgang von Goethe decided to celebrate his fifty-third birthday worthily in 1802. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The practices of modern birthday rites (greetings, cakes, candles, gifts, songs) consolidated in the aristocratic and bourgeois environments of the nineteenth century and did not reach the popular ones before the twentieth century. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In civil law, the age at which the subject acquires, in principle, the ability to act, that is to say, to establish independently contracts and other legally valid shops. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: From the age of 18 onwards, the ability to act is in any case distinct from the mere legal capacity, which instead is simply the ownership, in the abstract, of rights and duties and that is acquired directly with birth. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Minors are subjected, according to the reform of family law in 2013, to parental responsibility, institution that has overcome the old regime of power (until 1975 parental authority). # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Parental responsibility applies to any child recognised as such by law, since the distinction between legitimate children, legitimated children, recognised natural children and adopted children has ceased to exist. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Parental responsibility consists in the right-duty to education, education and protection, as well as in representation in the exercise of real rights over their property. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The child, since the reform of 1975, can appeal to the judge in case he considers that his parents or guardians are not pursuing his interests. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In any event, the child shall have the right to provide for his or her existential needs on his or her own merits. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Legal transactions carried out independently by minors, according to the most recent doctrinal and jurisprudential systems, cannot be annulled if they relate to the exercise of existential needs. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Existential needs include, for example, membership of one party, of an association, of a certain course of study rather than of another after compulsory education. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: To assume parental responsibility is necessary to be 14 years of age, where the old power needed 16. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Like adults, non-demanded minors also have parental responsibility for their children, if recognised. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Minors with marriage can obtain emancipation and therefore the ability to act, albeit limited compared to adults. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In other legal systems, different from the Italian one, emancipation may be ordered in court at the request of the child. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: It should be pointed out that the concept of coming of age, attained when one reaches the age of eighteen, has a purely private nature. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The Italian Penal Code provides for judicial forgiveness and penalty reductions for persons under 18 years. In fact, the ability to understand and to want, not the ability to act, is important for criminal law. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The Italian Penal Code provides for the non imputability of persons under 14 years. In fact, the ability to understand and to want, not the ability to act, is important for criminal law. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Minors who commit crimes are tried by the courts for minors and serve any prison sentences, if enforced before the age of 21, in special penitentiaries. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: If the case is referred after the age of 25, the trial shall be held before the ordinary court. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The juvenile court is also competent for the custody of children in case of legal separation of parents, guilt, incapacity or other reason, for the custody of children and for the adoption of minors. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: For custody and adoption the opinion of the child who has reached the age of 12 is binding, according to the law. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Article 48 of the Italian Constitution grants voting rights to citizens of legal age. But to vote for the Senate, one had to be at the age of 25 until the 2021 reform. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: According to some jurists, the lowering of the minimum age of 18 years for the active and passive electorate in the councils of the local authorities as provided by ordinary law would be compatible with the constitutional provision. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: It is perhaps a mere coincidence that the minimum age for obtaining a European category B driving licence in Italy coincides with the age of majority. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: For the achievement of the A1 category license to drive motor vehicles are sufficient 16 years, while for some higher categories are necessary from 21 to 24 years. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: At the end of the 19th century, France and Prussia were the first countries to apply for a driving licence for drivers of motor vehicles. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In the USA, as the number of victims of car accidents increased, public pressure led legislators to take the French and German model as their inspiration for driving licences. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In most of the United States, a driver's license can also be obtained from the age of fifteen or sixteen, and it is not necessary to be of age. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The age of eighteen, the day a person becomes legally adult, in many countries of the world allows for example to vote. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The age of eighteen, the day a person becomes legally adult, in many countries of the world allows for example to make use of substances such as alcoholic beverages. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: For astrology, the most common horoscope is based on the birth chart, the representation of the stars formulated at the time of a person's birth. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: For astrology, every 19 birthdays have the same lunar phase as the native day. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: For astrology, every 8 birthdays Venus and Mars are in the same native constellation. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: For astrology, every 12 birthdays Jupiter is in the same native constellation. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The original tune of «Happy Birthday to You» was composed in 1893 by two American sisters, Mildred Jane Hill and Patty Smith Hill. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The original tune of «Happy Birthday to You» was composed by the American Hill sisters when they were kindergarten teachers in Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The lines of the original tune of «Happy Birthday to You» were created as a classroom greeting, and read «Good Morning to All». # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: It is not known for sure who composed the words of the final text of the song «Happy Birthday to You». # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The un-birthday is a neologism invented by the English writer Lewis Carroll in his novel «Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There» of 1871. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In the novel Alice through the Looking-Glass, Lewis Carroll indicates a recurrence that falls every day of the year except, in fact, that of the birthday. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The concept of un-birthday is used for the first time when Humpty Dumpty explains to Alice the advantage of receiving gifts 364 days a year, instead of just one! # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: When you're 18, you're always afraid of a lot of things. But you don't have to worry: your whole life will be... much harder [Dylan Dog]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: I am eighteen years old and already happiness has the taste of memory [Alessandro Baricco]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Young people between the ages of sixteen and eighteen combine in themselves an innocence suffused with naivety, a radiant purity of body and spirit and the passionate need for total and disinterested devotion [Fred Uhlman]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: We are Eighteen, I said, and we are All [Alessandro Baricco]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: But the girl sang like a folk song, because she was eighteen years old, and at that age if the sky is blue she laughs in your eyes, and the birds sing in your heart [Giovanni Verga]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Parties are held with friends because they don't come well with enemies [Pino Caruso]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: 18 years is a long time. They are the time it takes for a person to come of age, get a license, drink and crash into a plane tree [Leo Ortolani]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: When you are only eighteen years old, how many things you don't know; when you are only eighteen, maybe you already know everything, you should never grow [Ligabue]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Birthday with only one anguish, that there will be less to come [Emily Dickinson]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: It is very interesting the importance that humans give to the celebration of their birthday, since it is a day that they cannot remember [Star Trek]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: It should be a great event, and the whole day should be spent, in full remembrance, of those who lived and died for the oneness of all people [Stevie Wonder]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: And I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy [Francis Scott Fitzgerald]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: I didn't like parties. I didn't know how to dance and people scared me, especially people at parties. They were trying to be charming, happy and brilliant, and although they hoped to be good at it, they weren't. They were really bad. Attempting to be so at all costs only worsened the situation [Charles Bukowski]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: I know only two philosophies of life: the first begins with the fasting and ends with the feast; the second begins with the feast and ends with a strong migraine [Fulton John Sheen]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Better a great big party than a hundred small little parties [Proverb]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Do I notice more if I come and stand on the sidelines or if I don't come at all [Nanni Moretti]? # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: But the night the party is over, long live your life! People undress, a world begins, a different world, but made of sex. Whoever lives will see [Rino Gaetano]! # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The pubertal period, both in women and men, is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood in which numerous physical and psychological transformations take place. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The pubertal period evolves sequentially until the achievement of sexual maturation and the ability to procreate. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In girls, the onset of pubertal development is between 8 and 13 years old, therefore with greater variances than in boys, and is characterised by the development of the breast. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In girls, stately growth is often the first sign of puberty, before the development of the breast, but is rarely recognised. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In girls the first menstruation or menarche, is an important variable of physiological puberty. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In girls, the maximum rate of growth is reached at an early stage of puberty, around 12 years, before the first menstruation, which occurs about 2 years after the onset of breast development. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In girls pubertal maturity is not completed with menarche but may require physiologically another 2-3 years after the first menstruation. In general it changes the physical appearance and increases the percentage of body fat. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In boys puberty begins, on average, at the age of 11 and a half years and is characterised by the progressive development of sexual organs and the appearance of hair on the pubis, face and armpits. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In boys puberty is characterised by various physical transformations such as changes in the structure of the facial bones and shoulders, increased muscle mass and strength, lengthening and thickening of the vocal cords with lowered voice tone. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The transformations of the pubertal period are not only physical; hormonal and psycho-emotional changes, the search for identity and independence, push adolescents towards new behaviours and new experiences including the beginning of sexual activity. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The adolescent period offers a good temporal opportunity to be able to intervene at the educational, school, family and community level, knowledge, skills acquisition and behaviour change that may adversely affect the reproductive health of boys and girls. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Photography does not show reality, it shows the idea that it has [Neil Leifer]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: According to Western tradition, the birthday cake is a pie, often decorated with candles, indicating the age of the birthday boy or the birthday girl by form or number, which is served on the occasion of the party. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In ancient times, already at the birth of a child a candle had to be lit to protect it from evil spirits, generally linked to darkness. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: It was believed that the smoke caused by the extinguishing of the birthday cake candles removed the presence of evil spirits during his ascension into heaven. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The birthday cake derives its origins from customs typical of the peoples of ancient Greece, which in turn were inspired by customs in use by the Egyptians and Persians. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The birthday cake draws its origins from the customs of the Egyptians, who used to pay homage to the pharaoh with all sorts of delicacies. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The birthday cake draws its origins from the customs of the Persians, who paid homage to the birthday boy or the birthday girl with sweets. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The ancient Greeks united the two Egyptian and Persian customs in a single rite that is the basis of the traditional birthday cake. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: On the sixth day of each month, to pay homage to the goddess Artemis, guardian of the Moon, the ancient Greeks, with the use of flour and honey, recreated round and white sweets. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The sweets that the ancient Greeks dedicated to Artemis, guardian of the Moon, recalled the shape and color of the earth's satellite; and moreover, to simulate its splendour, they were decorated with candles. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Artemis is a deity of Greek religion, goddess of hunting, wild animals, forest, archery; she is also the goddess of female initiations and the moon, protector of virginity and demureness. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: For a true photographer, a story is not an address to go to with sophisticated machines and the right filters. A story means reading, studying, preparing. Photographing means looking into things what one has understood with one's head. The great photo is the image of an idea [Tiziano Terzani]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: One of the common practices of birthday, according to today's Western tradition, is to offer gifts to the birthday boy or the birthday girl who turns his own years. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Birthday gifts are usually packaged and wrapped in sheets or wrapping paper, tied with ribbons, decorated with bows, and accompanied by greeting cards. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Birthday gifts are usually accompanied by a simple greeting card and tied by a simple coloured ribbon held securely by a bow or a coloured rosette. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The origins of birthday gifts are probably to be attributed to the ancient Greeks, who used to offer gifts to the birthday boy or the birthday girl on the occasion of the anniversaries. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The ancient Greeks believed that gifts made for the birthday (or the practice itself) had the power to protect the birthday boy or the birthday girl and the donors themselves from evil spirits. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: In time, the Romans also accepted the practice of giving gifts as part of their tradition, and they borrowed countless things from the Greeks. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Who gives something great does not find gratitude, because who receives it already has too much weight in accepting it [Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: I'm looking for that moment of authenticity and spontaneity capable of telling a person, the one in which, for a moment, you capture the essence of another individual. I think this is one of the greatest powers of photography [Steve McCurry]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: The age of the most important readings [Walt Whitman]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: Not one who ignores the alphabet, but one who ignores photography, will be the illiterate of the future [László Moholy-Nagy]. # Ulisse Albiati 18th Birthday Party Photographer: What use having a great depth of field, if there is not an adequate depth of feeling [Eugene Smith]? # go back to the beginning
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